How can we design a medical bed that satisfies both doctors and patients?

Nowadays, society is developing faster and faster, people's living standard is getting higher and higher, and the medical level is also developing better and better. Medical equipment is also constantly being updated, and the planning of equipment is becoming more and more humane. Now the hospital has a lot of demand on the medical beds. In order to let sick and injured patients have a comfortable environment, the requirements of the medical beds should also have a humane, standardized process.

Nowadays, medical beds are about 1.8 to 2.1 meters in length, 0.8 to 0.9 meters in width, and 0.4 to 0.5 meters in height. The electric bed is relatively wide, and the emergency bed is relatively narrow. And the head and tail of the medical bed is generally able to be disassembled. To have a humane planning is to consider that hospital visitors often do not have so many positions to sit will choose to sit on the medical bed, so that it is necessary to control when the side is too heavy, the medical bed can still adhere to the balance. Such a medical bed can be set to three kinds. One is the flat bed type. Is no adjustment function. Another - is the manual type. Hand adjustment. The third kind: electric type, active adjustment.

What kind of objects are used to make up the Mingtai medical beds? Medical bed is generally made of steel bed frame plus the bed board, the bed board is divided into three aspects, one is the backrest, a sitting board, a footrest. The three parts of the board are interrelated. The use of steel brackets can improvise the lifting action of the bed board, which can make the three components of the bed board rise and fall, which can easily adjust the nursing bed to the patient's desired state, making the patient more comfortable, reducing the workload of nursing staff, and facilitating the movement of medical staff and patients in their daily lives.




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