
目前显示的是 六月, 2022的博文

Why is the price of ordinary hospital beds cheaper than manual hospital beds?

Generally speaking, ordinary hospital beds are relatively simple in function, and most of them are flat beds. Generally, there are two types of hospitals that purchase such beds. One is ordinary town-level outpatient hospitals, and outpatient departments in special institutions, such as outpatient clinics set up in large factories for emergency treatment of employees. There are also hospitals in prisons that will purchase these ordinary beds. So why is the price of Mingtai ordinary hospital beds cheaper than hand-operated hospital beds? Because its function is simple, or even has no function, the production process is particularly simple and uncomplicated during production, so the processing cost is much cheaper than the electric hospital bed or the manual hospital bed. Besides, in terms of materials, many ordinary hospital beds are made of stainless steel, and the whole bed is made of stainless steel, so there is no need for stitching such as abs headboards, which is also one of the

What is the difference between single medical pendant and double medical pendant?

Single medical pendant and double medical pendant can be easily distinguished from the name. One medical pendant installed on the base is a single medical pendant, and two medical pendant installed on the same base are double medical pendants. Generally speaking, the medical pendant refers to the form of single medical pendant, which is widely used. Twin medical pendants are generally common in operating rooms and ICUs that require a lot of room size, equipment quantity, and gas and electricity supply. Some operating rooms will install double medical pendants on the side of the operating bed and above the anesthesia machine. The medical pendant on one side provides the basic gas and electricity requirements of the anesthesia machine (gas terminal, strong and weak electrical sockets), and provide patients with infusion needs (infusion rods, infusion pumps, strong and weak electrical sockets) on the other side. At the same time, a total of three display screens are installed on the t

What are the types of cantilevers for surgical pendants?

Generally speaking, the cantilever of a surgical pendant can be divided into three types: single-column, single-arm, and double-arm. If you choose single arm or double arm, there are two differences between mechanical arm and electric arm. A single column is a surgical pendant without a cantilever, which has poor mobility and is relatively cheap. It is suitable for departments with low budgets, fixed beds and use positions. Such as outpatient and emergency department, recovery room, rescue room, NICU, etc. Generally, a single-column box can be rotated, so some hospitals can also realize the supply of two or even three beds through a single-column surgical pendant. Single arm, one cantilever; double arm, two cantilever. You can understand it well based on the name. Generally, depending on the scope of use, there are many options for the length of one arm and two arms. Many customers have the wrong understanding that the double-arm is more advanced than the single-arm because the use

Is an electric medical bed counted as a medical device?

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, a medical bed is just a bed. It is not much different from the bed we use at home, but it has a little more function. In fact, the electric medical bed is a medical device, and it is second-class medical device. The reason for this classification is that at present, in our country, the hospitals that use mingtai electric medical beds are all intensive care units. And patients in these wards have very high requirements for the function and safety of electric medical beds. This is why electric medical bed manufacturers are particularly troublesome when registering for Class II medical device certificates. Not only do they need to send the entire bed for testing, but also make a life assessment report for the entire bed. This report is not issued by a company, but needs Several companies can work together to produce results.

What are the characteristics of the box of the medical pendant?

A hanging pipe and a box are connected under the cantilever of the medical pendant. The length of the hanging pipe depends on the height of the room. The box body, also known as the hanging box, is designed differently by each manufacturer. The length of the box can be changed according to the actual use requirements and the amount of gas and electricity. There are usually strong and weak electrical sockets, gas terminals and equipment rails on the box. The strong and weak current socket is used to provide the device with 220V strong current, as well as weak current signals such as network, video, and audio. The gas terminal is used to provide different kinds of gas sources, which are distinguished by different signs and interface shapes. The common ones are oxygen, air, laughing gas, carbon dioxide, negative pressure, and anesthesia emissions. Equipment guide rails are used to fix trays, drawers, rotating arms, etc., and provide support platforms for different equipment. In addition

How to adjust the LED shadowless operation lamp correctly?

1. First check whether there is a short circuit or open circuit. If it is normal, perform a power-on test to check whether the external power supply of the shadowless lamp is stable and whether the output voltage of the transformer is too high or too low. 2. Check the irradiation distance and depth of the LED shadowless lamp. Generally, the irradiation distance of the shadowless lamp is 70-140 cm. 3. Check whether the balance arm of the shadowless lamp matches the lamp cap, whether to adjust the force of the balance arm, and whether to adjust the angle of the balance arm. If you adjust it, you can use the adjustment method of the lamp arm. 4. When debugging the LED surgical lamp, adjust the damping screw of the lower joint. Usually, the tightness of the standard damping adjustment should be close to 20N in any position. 5. Check whether the installation of the LED shadowless lamp is missing, mainly whether there are fewer screws, or the screws are not tightly installed, and whe

Why is it important to communicate with customers in the process of buying and selling medical pendants?

In the operating room, in most cases, the nurses are the users who move the medical pendant and operate the functions, and most of them are female nurses. In the preparation stage for surgery, they need to place the medical equipment on mingtai medical pendant as soon as possible and connect the corresponding gas and electricity, and then quickly move the pendant tower to the appropriate position for the operation, so that the corresponding medical equipment can be passed to the doctor during the operation. Or let the doctor use it directly; during the operation, depending on the operation situation, sometimes the position of the pendant tower needs to be adjusted. Generally, the pendant tower is surrounded by equipment carts or medical staff, and the pipeline of the medical equipment on the pendant tower may still be connected to the patient., Then the nurses must carefully move the pendant tower containing the medical equipment; after the operation, they will remove the pendant tower

What problems should be paid attention to in the use of manual hospital beds?

Since it is a hand-operated hospital bed, the rocker is naturally the one that controls the rise and fall of Mingtai hospital bed, so the rocker plays a very important role in this. Whether it is a patient’s family or a nurse, you must pay attention to the uniform force when operating the rocker to avoid the situation that the rocker is stripped due to excessive force, because the stripping will cause the raised bed surface to drop suddenly, causing both physical and mental injuries to the patient. Then there is the daily maintenance of the hand-cranked hospital bed. This is more important, because some hand-cranked medical beds need to be lubricated frequently on the rocker to keep the rocker in normal use. In addition, when cleaning the bed surface, be careful not to have foreign objects at the link of the bed surface, which can easily cause irreversible damage to the bed when the bed is raised and lowered, thereby shortening the service life of the hand-operated hospital bed.